
The statements on withlovebykate.com + wlbk.co have not been approved by the FDA. With Love By Kate (WLBK) products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The information provided is for educational purposes only.

Although withlovebykate.com intends to make and offer safe and gentle products as well as be as accurate as possible when describing ingredients and products, it is up to the consumer to adequately research the appropriate use and safety information for each item.

Prior to applying these products an assessment of the individual’s skin is recommended.

Individual’s who use prescription and/or over the counter drugs may have developed sensitivity to skin care solutions. Caution should always be used. This would include medical grade solution being applied topically as well as chemical based skincare products. A patch test is recommended if you have a history of reacting to skincare products.

Lactic Acid may make the skin sensitive to sun, it is encouraged to use an SPF sun crème during the day when using products containing Lactic acid.

With Love By Kate will not be held liable for problems that occur from the application of these products during professional or consumer use. It is the responsibility of the licensed professional to monitor the skin as they apply these skin care products and respond accordingly if a reaction occurs. Consumers are best to purchase these products through professional recommendation.

The information contained herein is provided solely for educational purposes. No claim of medical cure nor treatment is intended. Statements related to topical and internal products made with natural food-grade herbs and oils are not approved by the FDA. The products have not been tested as safe by the FDA. Statements contained on this website and our labels are not presented as medical advice nor should be used as a substitute for consultation with a qualified health care practitioner. Our products and the information set forth herein are not designed to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease nor should any information contained herein be read as prescribing any specific remedy or guaranteeing any specific result. If you have any reason to suspect serious illness, seek appropriate medical advice and care promptly.